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Petter Julius enjoying his breakfast

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New Blog post

Fantastic Fantasy - Attack on Titan is out now on the blog page. The work discussed in today's post is a gritty, heartbreaking and wonderful piece of storytelling, and possibly one of my favourite stories told. 

Attack On Titan

Hi and welcome
to my site!

I'm Petter Julius, a fantasy writer, digital marketer and aspiring author with a passion for stories. My dream is to make my living telling and selling these stories.

Here, you can learn more about me, my stories and the general craft of storytelling and writing. In my blog, I talk about my projects, about the fantasy genre and popular books, movies and tv-shows.


I hope you find something useful. â€‹


Please consider subscribing to my newsletter if you find any of that interesting, or if you just want to help out. It's actually super motivating and helps more than you know. 

Oh, and please excuse the mess - the website is currently under development.

"In the blackand blueof moonlitmidnight

the oceanwaged itswar on land

and won."

Shadow of the Wall is the first novel in 'The Sinking' series,  set in a unique world facing its inevitable end.

DALL·E - Sephia (1)_edited.jpg

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marketing page?

If yes, press the button.

Working on paper and PC to finish a project
snowcapped, rugged mountains.  Steep peaks. Urkedalstindane
"A really fantastic guy and an amazing writer!"

*Never read anything he's written, but he's been writing for ages so I assume he's good.

Jakob H. Moe, Bergen

- his best friend

"Æ elske lisj-guten min!"

~I love my little boy!

Anna Dorthea Moan, Sæbø

- his mom

"He promised to buy me flowers if i said he was a good writer.
Petter is a good writer."

Johanna S. K. Jansson, Bergen

- his girlfriend

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